Archives: Articles
Spiritual Reflections |
27th July 2021
Biblical and Christian Images of Salvation.
Sebastian Athappilly
The theme of salvation is a universal theme. It links all religions and denominations, ideologies and the so-called “religions” or philosophies of life that do not speak of God. All of them are interested in salvation and speak on it and suggest ways for achieving salvation. The reason for this lies in the fact that everyone is in search of salvation in the sense of fulfilment or perfection, the ideal situation. This is echoed in the ancient prayer of the Indian seekers:..... |
24th February 2021
Francis Kanichikattil
Reform is a life process, a part of the human development. Individuals as well as Communities need to undergo reform in order to cope with the changing situation. In a rapidly changing world, reform seems to be an inevitable phenomenon irrespective of persons and communities. Christian worship being an essential part of Christian life, reform in this particular area is unavoidable....... |
08th October 2020
Sebastian Elavathingal, CMI
The Church in India is undergoing a tough time of testing, troubles, and tribulations. At times the developments in the Church give an impression that they not only disturb the people, but that they shake the whole edifice of the Church. But she is neither withering, nor is she withdrawing from the public square. Nevertheless, it is a challenging time; it is a wakeup call for all of us to renew the Church....... |
05th October 2020
Whither the Church in India: A Contextual Analysis
Paulachan Kochappilly, CMI
Wandering with the Master and learning from experience, instruction and reflection are integral features of contextual theological formation.Theology becomes a personally transforming experience....... |
15th March 2012
and Ethics of Narco-analysis
Geo Francis E
search for effective aids to
interrogation is probably as old as
man’s need to obtain information from an
uncooperative source and as persistent
as his impatience to shortcut any
tortuous path. Any technique that
promises an increment of success in
extracting information from an
incompliant source is ipso facto of
interest in intelligence
operations...... |
1st March 2012
Martin Stöhr
Forschung zur biblischen Geschichte
Abrahams neigt heute überwiegend dazu,
sie nicht als eine literarische Legende
anzusehen, sondern in ihrem Kern, der
Gestalt Abrahams, einen konkreten
Menschen mit seinem Clan aus den
Uranfängen der Geschichte Israels zu
erkennen (vielleicht zwischen 2000 und
1400 vChr). Mündliche und schriftliche
Überlieferungen reichern sein Bild „sagenhaft“
an und machen - wie auch zB Rembrandts
oder Chagalls Bilder sowie zahlreiche
Vertonungen bis zu...... |
1st June 2011
Christ-Centered Ethics
And the Celebration of the
Divine Liturgy
Paulachan Kochappiilly
In a
changed and changing world the faithful
find themselves at a crossroads. They
are perplexed with the flood of
information. The media with its business
interests keeps on feeding fleeting news
and views continuously, one item after
another. There is no space and time to
pause a while for proper discernment and
decision-making; everything is being
dictated from the outside and not
decided from within... |
19th Dec 2010
Wahrheit und Recht
Zum Erbe Dietrich Bonhoeffers
Martin Stöhr
Er fragt sich – um nur einige Gedanken aus diesem sehr dichten Text zu nennen – warum „die Vernünftigen“ versagen. Vernunft, Pflichtbewusstsein, Prinzipienethik, Gewissen und Freiheit, Tugenden oder Werte also, lassen sich missbrauchen. Er fragt, was es bedeutet, dass „Dummheit“ keine intellektuelles Defizit ist, sondern ein moralisches. So viele kluge Leute sind Aktivisten und Mitläufer einer bösen Macht in Deutschland. „Die Macht der einen braucht die Dummheit der anderen!“ Warum gibt es in Deutschland so viel Tapferkeit und so wenig Civilcourage? |
25th Oct 2010
Vedic Monotheism, not Polytheism: Upadhyaya
Not the Sun-god but God of the Sun
Cheriyan Menacherry
Bahrmabandab Upadhyaya perceives in the apparent polytheism of the Vedas the hidden monotheism. There are so many gods spoken of, e. g. the Thunder-god, the Dawn-god, the sun-god etc. Does the Vedas inculcate the worship of subordinate deities? |
1th July 2009
Question of Ancestral Traditions
A Crisis in the Syro-Malabar Church
Francis Kanichikattil
In this article Dr.
Kanichikattil discusses how to solve the problem namely ‘Question of Ancestral
Traditions’ (Heritage) in the Syro-Malabar Church, which, he thinks, should
include not only Syriac but early Apostolic and later Colonial Traditions |
22th August 2008
Mission - Epiphanie Gottes durch uns
Wilfried Hagemann
Zur Begriffsbestimmung von „missionarisch“
„Wir sind Kirche“ - Kirche muss in jeder Generation neu gegründet werden.
Was ist Kirche?
Was bringt das Kirche-Sein ?
"Missionarisches Kirche-Sein“ durch eine gute Feier der Eucharistie
Missionarische Gemeinde „in vielen kleinen Gemeinschaften“
"Für andere da“
„Selbstbewusst und glaubwürdig“
„Und mit Nachwuchs“
June 2007
Sherly MD
Throughout the
centuries religion and religious devotion
had played a very important role in shaping
and enriching the literature of a country
and that of a race. Hebraic literature is
nothing without the Songs of Solomon, the
Psalms and Proverbs..... |
March 2007
New Religious
Movements and Gurus
Sebastian Alakkappilly
This paper is an attempt to look at the
evolution, function and impact of the new
religious movements in India. We propose to
critically analyse the role played by these
movements in making Hinduism a living
reality for the contemporary world. Emphasis
is placed on the relevance of these
movements and their central figures today.... |
March 2007
Jesus Christ Needs No Birth Certificate from Sita Ram Goel
Aristotle had sensibly pointed out that
something is better understood in its
causes. Sita Ram Goel’s book Jesus Christ: An Artifice for Aggression
New Delhi: Voice of India, 1994, with its
biased and selective approach and its
preconceived and forced conclusions betrays
the causes that have given birth to it,
namely, feelings of hatred and antagonism
against Christianity, on the one hand, and
those of insecurity and jealousy, on the
other, aroused by the growing fascination
Jesus exercises on many Hindus. This
explains very well the title and the content
of the book. |
November 2006
Die Sorge der Gemeinde
um ihre Kranken und Alten
Theologische und
diakonische Reflektionen einer
Paul Chummar
Der Kranke
wartete nur noch auf seinen Tod. Aber nicht
nur er, sondern auch seine Frau, seine
Kinder, die Angehörigen - alle die ihn in
dem Zustand erlebten; denn er hatte Krebs im
fortgeschrittenen Stadium. Die Schmerzen
quälten ihn ununterbrochen. Was könnte man
ihm da Besseres wünschen? |
October 2006
Historische Theologie
und interreligiöser Dialog
Matthias Benad
Daß Gott Mensch werden müsse,
um den Menschen das Wesen Gottes zu
offenbaren, ist kein ausschließlich im
Christentum verbreiteter Gedanke. Im
Bhagavata Purana, einer der heiligen
Schriften der Hindus, spricht Gott Vishnu
bei Gelegenheit seiner Menschwerdung als
Krishna den oben zitierten Satz. In einer
immer kleiner werdenden Welt gewinnt die
gegenseitige Wahrnehmung der Religionen
immer größere Bedeutung. Meine Absicht ist
es, mich im folgenden darüber zu äußern... |
September 2006
Jay Longacre
Why not begin exploring the
relevance of the concept of salvation?
Salvation is a controversial topic today.
Everybody wants to save and be saved! Maybe
not everybody! In Hollywood in a men’s room
of a prominent hotel, there was this
graffiti written on the wall: Jesus saves... |
June 2006
Motherhood –
Biotechnological Research and its Religio-Ethical
Mathew Chandrankunnel
When science was born in
the 16th century, its intention
was to study the nature, understand its
dynamics and manipulate it for human
benefit. Its methodology of observation,
experiment, hypothesis formation,
verification/falsification, law statement,
technological adaptation has paid high
dividends and because of it humanity is
enjoying unimaginable comforts... |
May 2006
Africa: a Challenge to the Search for
Ethical Principles
Paul Chummar
Our age seems to be
very rich in sexual matters: rape, heinous
sex crimes, adultery, skyrocketing divorce
rates, prostitution, paedophilia, abortion,
pornography in its manifold forms and
materials: blue movies, internet sex,
pornographic compact disks |
April 2006
Love of
Knowledge and Knowledge of Love: The Philosophy of
Raymond Panikkar
Cheriyan Menacherry
Panikkar will be satisfied
with nothing less than whole, purnam.
This purnam is ekam and
ekam is advidiyam. And
advidiyam is an all embracing
multiplicity. Nothing is outside this
plurality.All things will acquire a unique
role. This vision of Panikkar is reflected
also in his philosophy. His philosophy,
multi-voiced or rather pluridimensional, is
the result of the East-West Philosophical
blending... |
April 2006
Beten und
Eine religionswissenschaftliche Annäherung
an Friedrich Heiler (1892 -1967)
Karl Dienst
'Friedrich Heiler als
Religionswissenschaftler' - so lautete die
ursprünglich vorgesehene Formulierung des
Themas. Im Prozeß des Nachdenkens gab es
gute Gründe für eine Modifikation. Zunächst
ist die begriffliche Näherbestimmung von
'Religionswissenschaft' weithin zu einem
positionellen Unternehmen geworden. |
March 2006
Secular Perspective of
Jay Longacre
There is an
‘inextinguishable yearning’ in every human
person to unite with that which is infinite,
eternal, absolute, permanent, even a loving
Father, that is to say, God, in order to
defeat death in all its forms including
despair, meaninglessness, and abandonment.
Only God can and does offer human persons
salvation, which enables them to surmount
death. |
15th March 2006
Eucharist and the
Ministry of a Canon Lawyer
Varghese Koluthara
The 'tranquility of order' may flourish while
justice is administered in the Church. The
role of a canon lawyer in the Church is to
foster the administration of justice
corresponding to the true nature of the
Church. The Church, born on the Pentecostal
day, is continuously nourished by the
Eucharist. |
10th February 2006
Eucharistic Catechesis
Anto Amarnad
How can we make catechesis a soul-touching
and life enhancing formation of the
Christians? How would we make the liturgical
celebrations as the experiences of faith
learning and deepening of the message of
Jesus? Both liturgy and catechesis have
their shared and complementary roles for
living and forming in the Christian faith... |
5th January 2006
Theologie Vishnus
auf der Grundlage
religiöser Erfahrungen der Hindus
Edmund Weber
Im Rigveda,
der altindischen Sammlung von Gesängen des
Heiligen, heißt es über Vishnu: "Mögen die
Götter uns vor dem Ort, von dem aus Vishnu
über die sieben Bereiche der Erde schritt,
bewahren. Vishnu schritt über (das
Universum); dreimal setzte er seinen Fuß
auf; die Welt war in seinem Staub
eingehüllt; Vishnu, der unbesiegbare
Bewahrer, den niemand täuscht, tat drei
Schritte; von da an setzte er seine hohen
Gesetze in Kraft." |
20th December 2005
Kant on Inclinations: ‘Alien’ or ‘Human’?
Saju Chackalackal
The central thrust of
Kant’s ethics is practical as well as
transcendental with its emphasis on the
synthetic a priori nature of the
moral law in the form of the categorical
imperative. Kant defends the necessity and
universality that are characteristic
features of the moral law with a view to
safeguard its transcendental justification
and employment in the sensible world. |
10th December 2005
Cheriyan Menacherry
The evangelising mission of the Church in
India in the pluralistic context of
different religions faces conflicts and
challenges. The religions are often strongly
convinced of the uniqueness of their own
faith. Sometimes this conviction leads to
the extreme form of religious fundamentalism... |
9th December 2005
The Search for Truth:
Trials and tribulations of Brahmabandhab
Mathew Chandrankunnel
Cardinal Ratzinger,
the present Holy Father Pope Benedict XVI,
published his deep reflections on
Christianity and World Religions in a
commendable work titled “Truth and
Tolerance: Christian Belief and world
Religions... |
8th December 2005
Jesus Christ the
Divine Eternal Asvattha
Cheriyan Menacherry
A tree mysteriously
leads its roots deep into the earth and
magnificently spreads its branches high out
into the sky as if it is an intermediary of
the underworld, the earth and the sky... |