
Sangam of Religions in the Unknown Christ

Cheriyan Menacherry

[The present article (edited version of the published on 2011),[1] deals mainly one of the main insights of Raymond Panikkar. A tribute to a great scholar Raymond Panikkar who passed away on 26th August 2010 at 91, at his home in Tavertet, is befitting, I thought, perhaps by attempting to understand the deep insight in one of his main contributions: meeting of religions in the ‘Unknown Christ’. ......

Saint Chavara
A Reformer of the Liturgy of Thomas Christians

Prof. Francis Kanichikattil cmi.

Dr. Francis Kanichikattil, was, for long time, Professor of Sacraments and Liturgy at Dharmaram Vidyakshetram, Bangalore. He did his Licentiate in ‘Theology of Sacraments and Liturgy’ from Catholic University of Paris, and Doctorate in Liturgy from Heythrope College, University of London ......

The Apostolate Of Religious In Cceo: A Critical Appraisal

VVarghese Koluthara, CMI

Every baptized person participates in the mission of Jesus Christ, the Messiah, anointed and sent by the Father for the salvation of the world. But Christians share in that mission in different ways according to their call and state of life. As members of the mystical body of Christ, all Christians participate in the apostolate of the Church ......

Jesus the Marketing Superstar

Cheriyan Menacherry

It may sound strange to call Jesus the greatest genius marketing strategist of all time, a marketing super star, but it is a fact recognised by some marketing experts. Darren Shearer, the founder and managing director of High Bridge Books, wrote: “Considering that one out of every three people in the world claims to be a follower of Jesus, he is unquestionably the greatest marketer in history. ......

Essen nährt die Seele

Cheriyan Menacherry

Jesus hatte seine Jünger, die hart gearbeitet hatten, oft an einen einsamen Ort geführt (Mk 6,31). Es geht nicht in erster Linie um das Gebet, sondern um die Erholung. Obwohl Jesus seine Jünger an einen einsamen Ort führte, um sich auszuruhen, kann man aus dem Kontext schließen, dass es sich auch um ein gemeinsames Mahl handelt. Es heißt, dass die Jünger, ......

Biblical and Christian Images of Salvation

Sebastian Athappilly

The theme of salvation is a universal theme. It links all religions and denominations, ideologies and the so-called “religions” or philosophies of life that do not speak of God. All of them are interested in salvation and speak on it and suggest ways for achieving salvation. The reason for this lies in the fact that everyone is in search of salvation in the sense of fulfilment or perfection, the ideal situation. ......

Inculturation Perspective of Second Vatican Council Restoration, Reform and Adaptation Revisited.

Francis Kanichikattil

(Francis Kanichikattil was, for long time, Professor of Sacraments and Liturgy at DharmaramVidyakshetram, Bangalore. He did his Doctorate in Liturgy atHeythrop College , University of London, his ongoing research is in the area of Liturgy and Inculturation. The ......

Spiritual Reflection

New Horizons from Disasters

Fr. Cheriyan Menacherry CMI

Spirituelle Reflexionen

Katastrophen decken neue Horizonte auf

Pater Cheriyan Menacherry CMI


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ഫാ. ചെറിയാൻ മേനാച്ചേരി സി.എം.ഐ.